Community Circles


Community circles are a safe, supportive space for learning best practice and expanding our thinking on birth through case review. Think medical grand rounds without ego, hazing, or Monday morning quarterbacking.

What will we do together?

These virtual sessions involve the presentation of a case (or two related cases) volunteered from a community members, who present the case themselves or present it anonymously via me. Cases may be presented as a means of exploring the evidence surrounding a particular issue in birthwork (for example: premature rupture of membranes, second stage practices, shoulder dystocia) or simply to work through a particular challenging case and/or brainstorm alternative management in community.

Circles may be supplemented with reading and/or research before or after we meet to better help participants understand the issues at hand. All circles involve some form of nervous system nourishment since talking about birth is inherently activating to the nervous system, and especially so if the birth is challenging in some way.

Community circles run every 6 weeks and rely on a minimum number of participants. Cost is donation-based across a sliding scale recommendation to maintain access across a spectrum of financial resources and identities.

Sign up for the waitlist!

Dates and topics forthcoming here. Sign up for updates and be the first to know when they'll be running. Let's learn together!