1:1 Birthworker Support
Pursuing birthwork is a life-changing, soul-altering decision, yet most birthworkers fulfill their training or certification with little initiation in these truths, honest exploration of what it means, spiritually and emotionally, to pursue birthwork in a culture hostile to birth, and with little access to longterm emotional and spiritual support.
1:1 birthworker coaching with me provides a high-touch, individualized, safe container for birthworkers (doulas, midwives, nurses, obstetricians, etc.) and aspiring birthworkers to explore any of the myriad elements inherent in our work. With a lens toward anti-oppressive, decolonial, non-hierarchical birthwork practice, I will help you unpack and process whatever is on your mind or in your heart. These non-judgemental and affirming sessions facilitate an excavation of your own inherent wisdom, strength, and capacity so that you can find a version of birthwork practice that is authentic to you.